Australia-ASEAN Relations under Prime Minister Kevin Rudd

克特•安德森  Curtis Andressen





在過去二十年裡,有些像亞太經濟合作組織 (APEC) 等區域組織有明顯式微的趨勢,但有些區域組織卻再現活力,東南亞國協 (ASEAN ,簡稱東協 ) 就是個例子,並正從以政治為主的組織往越來越重視經貿的方向發展。同時,中國經濟成長驚人,其經濟力量正向區域與全球擴散,且正在型塑其主導的區域同盟,如中國 - 東協自由貿易區 (CAFTA) 。在此背景下,澳洲出現一位新領導人陸克文( Kevin Rudd )。他似乎較前任的自由黨政府更贊成與亞洲積極交往。本文主旨即在檢視陸克文時代澳洲與東協國家與該組織的關係。



Key Words

ASEAN, regionalism, Australia , Kevin Rudd, China


While the past two decades has seen the decline of some regional organisations, such as the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, others have been reinvigorated. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is one example of the latter, as it moves from a primarily political association to an increasingly economic one.

At the same time we have seen the spectacular growth of China and the spread of its economic power regionally and globally. It is forming new regional alliances, including the forthcoming China plus ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA).

ithin this context Australia has a new leader, Kevin Rudd, who appears to favour engagement with Asia much more than the Liberal government he replaced. This paper examines Australia 's relations with ASEAN and some of the directions the new government is taking with respect to this organisation.