Creating the North American Community: Canada , NAFTA and Regional Economic Integration

約翰•柯爾頓   John Kirton





從 1990 年代初起, 加拿大與美國、墨西哥的關係出現重大轉變。三大歷史發展是此一轉變的驅動力。其一是經由墨西哥以完全平等的伙伴加入美、加所形成的三邊主義( trilateralism )。其二是制度化( institutionalization ),即透過 1994 年 北美自由貿易協定 (North American Free Trade Agreement, 簡稱 NAFTA) 的簽訂所構建的北美區域政府機構,如成立國際秘書處、預算署、環境與勞工合作組織與 2005 年新設的複邊高峰會機構( plurilateral summit institution ),即每年舉行一次的安全暨繁榮伙伴關係 (Security and Prosperity Partnership, SPP) 高峰會等。第三個發展是 北美社群( North American community )的成立。藉著重新定義加拿大與其伙伴的利益與身份,加拿大政府、社會菁英與大眾開始意識到他們是此一新北美區域的會員,並以此身份行動。事實上,自 1990 年代迄 21 世紀初,傳統的加美關係已開始蛻變成一個新的治理中心。

此一重大轉變已在加拿大引發激辯,辯論聚焦於正在日益強化的北美將會如何發展、會對加國造成何種影響。其中一個學派的觀點與加拿大外交政策的邊陲依附派一致,他們視此一新北美為由美國主控的憲法桎梏,限制了加國的自主性。另一派是自由國際派,將 NAFTA 所構建的 三邊伙伴關係看成是加美自由貿易協定法規與制度的多邊化,使加國在以規則為基礎的世界裡更有安全保障。第三派則是區域加拿大化派( regional Canadianization school ),即新現實主義觀。這派學者把 NAFTA 的革命性創舉視為構建新北美社群的雄心大略,堪稱是因應美國在全球化時代式微的新脆弱性的產物,即將加拿大特有的開放、國際制度主義、環保主義、多元文化主義與全球主義等價值注入美國與墨西哥。這三大學派在不同的時段都有不同程度的正確性。

Key Words

New Zealand , China , FTA, Asia Pacific, WTO


Starting in the early 1990s, Canada 's relationship with the United States and Mexico experienced a great transformation. Three historic developments drove the change. The first was trilateralism through the creation of a three country relationship in which Mexico joined the U.S. and Canada as a full and equal partner. The second was institutionalization through the introduction into North America of regional intergovernmental institutions. The 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) brought organizations for environmental and labour cooperation, with international secretariats, budgets, and mandates of their own. In 2005 a new plurilateral summit institution, the annual Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) summit came. The third development was the creation of community. Through a redefinition of Canadian and its partners' interests and identity, Canadian governments, elites, and mass public began to conceive of themselves and act as members of a new North American region. Indeed, as the 1990s proceeded and the 21st century began, the traditional Canada-U.S. relationship began to disappear. A new North American “community” and centre of governance arose in its place.